51 Documents: Zionist Collaboration With the Nazis

I had to crack up when I saw the one star reviews on this book. That’s the grassroots portion of the Israel Lobby voicing its objection to truth again, (they do that A LOT). It’s also an excellent indication the book, film or information you’re seeking is exactly what you need to read. I first ran into this

The Lobby is out in force

The book on Jews Against Zionism, the Torah True Jews of New York who are 100% anti-apartheid, (Israel is the world’s only aparthied nation today. They call it ‘Zionism’). One of the tools used to keep apartheid alive and well in Israel is, as Norm Finkelstein put it, the Holocaust Industry. Yes, the German holocaust happened…as did another seven during the twentieth century. The Zionist movement set on the complete conquest of Palestine for a Jewish supremacist state did work with the Nazis. These documents prove it as do such facts as Walburg’s handling of security for the Nazi state until 1939, (his brother was one of the founding members of our Federal Reserve). Walburg, though Jewish was allowed to leave Nazi Germany with his fortune in tact in 1939 so certain influential Jews were shielded from Nazi oppression. You should be asking why. These documents will help you understand the double standard. Of course be careful where you discuss this. In some countries, deviating from the accepted historical revisionism with the truth on this issue, the German holocaust, lands you in jail. That is if you talk about the 50% of the victims who were Jewish. See, the Catholics, Mentally Ill, homosexuals, Gypsies, Communists and handicap making up the other 50% of victims, they don’t matter anymore.
They were not the right faith, nor were they included in reparations and rarely are they mentioned…even in the state funded holocaust museums. (Hint that also should give you a clue there is something very unkosher about this whole thing…that 50% of the victims no longer are mentioned or matter)

If history has lessons, you need to know these. Just be very careful with whom you discuss this book’s details. Trillions of dollars depend on the truth not getting out because if it does, the world’s greatest victims are shown for what they really are, the world’s foremost victimizers.

If that happens, bye, bye US support; bye bye US aid; bye bye protection from war crimes prosecution and bye, bye what little international sympathy that is left. Like I said. A lot is at stake if people learn the whole truth about the German holocaust. Today truth will land you in jail and that fear is used to censor your thoughts and what you read. Another reason you probably want to read this book.

Ref: Amazona